Did you know that people around the world have various traditions to celebrate New Year? And that almost every month there is a New Year celebration happening in different parts of the world?
Our little PenBuddies at Bournemouth Chinese School know it now. At our session on the 5th of January we have learned about Orthodox Old New Year, Lunar New Year, Water Festivals in Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia, various traditions of celebrating New Year in India, Israel, Egypt, Iran and other countries.
The common theme of the celebrations is peace, respect and making a wish! Everyone in the room wished to have more fun, so we played lots of games from different countries, that are being traditionally played during New Year celebrations: charades, making snowballs and throwing them into the buckets, hopping with balloons, funny relays, and passing the parcel. All the children participated with great enthusiasm and everyone had fun.
Interesting facts learnt and will be shared in the letters to their PenBuddies in Malaysia and Cambodia during next session. In the end of the session we had a small feast with traditional Australian and English treats, and children said: „we are looking forward to the next session!“ Learning about the world and different cultures in a playful way is key to achieve our vision of living in harmony. Thank you all who joined us, and big thanks to all our supporters and volunteers! Happy and prosperous New Year to all.
Our aim in 2020 is to sustain this wonderful project with more support from the public donation and corporate sponsorship. You can now also SHOP TO SUPPORT from our TeeMill Store: https://uk-wisdom-foundation.teemill.com/ All t-shirts are made from certified organic cotton, without tested on animals and printed in the UK with low waste printing tech. They are made in a renewable energy powered factory audited for a wide range of social and sustainability criteria.

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