PenBuddies session at BCS (Bournemouth Chinese School) on the 17th of November was dedicated to learning about the Wind - we explored where does the wind come from, what is the difference between hurricane, cyclone and typhoon, how the names are given to the storms, who are Tornado chasers and what is Fajita Scale.

Children were very excited to "make a tornado in a jar“ and tried to spin the vortex of the Tornado to the bottom. We have learnt that Tornadoes mostly happen in Tornado Alley in the USA and there are about 800 of them a year. We have also learnt that people build certain types of houses to sustain in stormy regions. During the session we have also made origami airplanes and frogs and arranged a small competition, which plane flies further and which frog jumps higher. And it was interesting to see how well the children remembered what they have learnt by taking "Wind Quiz“.
Besides that, we have established the first connection with PenBuddies in Russia during this session where Destiny received a letter from Matvey who lives in Moscow and wrote him a response. We have had lots of fun and learnt a lot, all set up for a writing letter session in December, by when we hope to receive responses from PenBuddies in Malaysia. Watch the space, Christmas is approaching fast in UK!
#WisdomPenBuddies workshop in Bournemouth Chinese School, conducted by our PenBuddies Project Director - Anastasia Petrova on 17 November 2019
General Information:
We have a wide range of global cultural topics to SHARE within a standard 30 minutes presentation.
We TEACH the children how to read the letters they receive and how to write a reply to their pen buddy from other country.
We CONNECT children from different countries through letters' exchange to their pen buddies, enabling communication across the world.
We have connected 300 kids from UK to other part of the world through letter writing (Approximately 43% of 4-18 years old children connected to Siem Reap, Cambodia; 40% connected to Chengdu & Hong Kong, China; and 17% connected to Kuala Lumpur & Kelantan, Malaysia).
Our aim in 2020 is to sustain this wonderful project with more support from the public donation and corporate sponsorship. You can now also SHOP TO SUPPORT from our TeeMill Store: All t-shirts are made from certified organic cotton, without tested on animals and printed in the UK with low waste printing tech. They are made in a renewable energy powered factory audited for a wide range of social and sustainability criteria.
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